Men with beards are a sight to behold. There are so many different types and styles: flowy beards, five o’ clock shadows, lumberjacks, and more. Whatever your facial hair may grow out to be, you should be the proud owner...
The purpose of this blog post is to give you some basic information about the different types of materials you can purchase for turbans. Some history The dastar (turban) has been an important part of the Sikh religion...
For men not fortunate enough to grow a long beard on their own, the answer to this question can seem ever-elusive. Until you stumble upon a life-changing blog post like the one you’re reading right now that gives you hope...
Beards – they can never go out of style. And when one scruffy but dapper looking guy is seen exuding more testosterone than the ladies can handle, it doesn’t take long for the bearded look to quickly come back to...
Beard oils have become so popular in recent years, as men all over the world are looking for ways to tame their wild mane. With beards coming back in fashion (and it looks as though they are here to stay!),...
After weeks of planning, on 27 Jan 2019 we spent the day in a large (but very cold) studio in Birmingham with five amazing models. We got some amazing shots for our catelogue, including our new t-shirt designs and turban colours.
Welcome to 2019 and welcome to our new brand; The Sardar Co. The Sardar Co is an online store and lifestyle brand dedicated to high quality clothing, turbans, beard care products and more. Our products are designed to help us...